
Access to digital technologies allows for “anytime, anywhere” learning.

We live in a technological world digital literacies are integral tools in the learning process and have the potential to extend student learning capabilities, engaging them in understanding concepts and processes in areas of learning and facilitating change in learning, thinking and teaching.

Using digital literacies as tools for learning enables students to:

  • efficiently and effectively access digital information to assist with investigating issues, solving problems and decision making.
  • produce creative solutions to support learning and develop new understandings in areas of learning.
  • communicate, share and work collaboratively in local and global environments.
  • understand the legal, ethical and health and safety implications of using digital literacies and their responsibilities as users and developers.
  • develop new thinking and learning skills to support learning.

Our vision for the use of digital technologies at Fitzroy Primary School is to actively respond to new opportunities and initiatives as they emerge and to develop the knowledge, understanding and capabilities of all students to become confident, competent and responsible users. Access to digital technologies is readily available within and beyond the school environment to allow for “anytime, anywhere” learning. It is embedded into every day activity; used to personalise the student learning experience towards improving student learning outcomes and with learning environments being transformed into global communities.